az network bastion ssh -name MyBastionHost -resource-group MyResourceGroup -target-resource-id vmResourceId -auth-type AAD Thanks - this resolved the issue for me too. If you create a private AKS cluster, you can only connect to the API server from a device that has network connectivity to your private. With a standard AKS cluster, the API server is exposed over the internet. The most simple solution is to host a jumpbox on the virtual network of the data management landing zone or data landing zone to connect to the data services through private endpoints.

SSH to virtual machine using Azure Bastion using AAD. This guide describes various options for connecting to the API server of your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. az network bastion ssh -name MyBastionHost -resource-group MyResourceGroup -target-resource-id vmResourceId -auth-type ssh-key -username xyz -ssh-key C:/filepath/sshkey.pem SSH to virtual machine using Azure Bastion using ssh key file.
#Azure bastion host password
az network bastion ssh -name MyBastionHost -resource-group MyResourceGroup -target-resource-id vmResourceId -auth-type password -username xyz Azure Bastion pricing is a combination of hourly pricing based on SKU and instances (scale units), plus data transfer rates. Azure Bastion currently supports the following keyboard layouts inside the VM: en-us-qwerty. SSH to virtual machine using Azure Bastion using password. SSH to a virtual machine using Tunneling from Azure Bastion.